Monday, January 24, 2011

My First Month in BiH, Part 1

Tomorrow will mark the first anniversary of our move to Sarajevo from Kyiv, Ukraine. Though my birding experience in Europe is extensive, I am new to Bosnia-Herzegovina. Today, my BiH list reached 50 (48 for this year) when a Eurasian Greenfinch showed up at our feeders, the first finch other than Chaffinch to make an appearance.

Highlights for the past month have to include three species that have not previously occurred in Sarajevo Canton during January, this according to Ptice Kantona Sarajevo by Kotrošan et al. (2010).

1. Eurasian Curlew (Numenius arquata) on 16.01 at one of the few extensively flat areas surrounding Sarajevo. On the local maps it is called Gornje Telelovo Polje, the area immediately adjacent to the confluence of the Miljacka and Bosne Rivers. I heard the bird initially repeatedly giving its "Cur-lee" alarm call, and then spotted it in flight as it circled over the field between the Miljacka and Bojnička Street. This species is reported previously from the Canton only from March-April and October-November according to PKS.

2. Dunnock (Prunella modularis) is not listed in Sarajevo from November through February.  I have seen at least one on two occasions, probably the same individual(s) in the overgrown dense vegetation along a small brook that drains Kobelja glava where we live. I saw this species on 02.01 and on 23.01 along the same stretch of brook.

3. On 22.01, three Redwings (Turdus iliacus) perched for several minutes in a tree about 50 meters downhill from our sunroom that overlooks our feeders. There are apparently no previous records for either January or February.

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